SysML v2 textual format
SysON supports SysML v2 textual specifications as an exchange format in order facilitate smooth transitions between tools. This intent reflects SysON’s dedication to staying aligned with evolving industry standards.
Add-on has been developed to enable import/export capability to and from SysML v2 textual syntax. This feature provides users with additional flexibility in their modeling workflows.
Before importing a file, you need to make sure that all the dependencies of this file are also imported, and this, recursively. Otherwise some relationship won’t be resolved.
For example if you want to import a file that uses third party libraries, you will need to import the third party libraries before the actual file, otherwise you might have unreferenced relations.
Most important SysML v2 concepts can be translated from the imported file, some concept are still under development to enable complete import/export capability from and to SysML v2 textual syntax. Stay tuned for updates on its availability in the project.
1. Import of a textual SysML v2 file
SysON allows to import textual SysML v2 files. Just click on the upload model icon in the Explorer view,

Select the ".sysml" file you want to import as a model,

And click on UPLOAD button:

The file is now imported as a model. A message is displayed, reporting the success/failure of the process:

Click on the CLOSE button to return to the workbench. The imported file is visible as a model inside a dedicated document in the Explorer view:

The following example shows an example of SysML v2 content file to import:
package PictureTaking {
part def Exposure;
action def Focus { out xrsl: Exposure; }
action def Shoot { in xsf: Exposure; }
action takePicture {
action focus: Focus[1];
flow focus.xrsl to shoot.xsf;
action shoot: Shoot[1];
2. Import of a textual SysML v2 content
It is also possible to import textual SysML v2 content, but not as a file. Just select an element in the Explorer view and click on the New objects from text context menu:

It’s convenient when you want to import textual SysML v2 content inside an element.
From there, a popup is opened, allowing to type any textual SysML v2 content:

Then, just click on CREATE OBJECTS button, and wait for the process to end. If something went wrong, the popup will display an error message. If everything is ok, the popup will close.
Back on the Explorer view, the new objects are visible under the selected element:

3. Export to textual SysML v2 file
To export a model as a textual SysML v2 file, just click on the Download context menu of a document in the Explorer view:

The document must be suffixed by ".sysml" to be downloaded as a textual SysML v2 file. |